Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year Resolutions I Can Actually Keep

8% of people keep resolutions.  Instead of coming up with claims that are unachievable, here are 10 that could actually happen in  2014.  

1.  New REAR Resolution - tone up the bootie...a little.
2.  Do work with children...my own.
3.  Stop saying, "Oooooo, God that feels nice," when I get a pat down.
4.  No longer spoil my family with my gourmet cooking.
5.  Have conversations with other friends instead of just my BFF Karen Jacobsen (Siri).
6.  Throw away the neck brace because I quit trying to be a "backup dancer" during Zumba. 
7.  Learn something new every month, starting with "Outercourse."
8.  Do a whoop-pow karate move when I need a pick-me-up.
9.  Find a penny, pick it up.
10.  Do more with others, especially selfies.
Easy one:  Get or give 8 hugs a day...makes ya happier!


Practice Quantum Physics - Futurevisioning.   http://www.prweb.com/releases/2014/01/prweb11452997.htm

Take Laughing Yoga class.  http://www.laughteryoga.org/english

Happy New Year!
Cyndy, The Whoopie Queen 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Reindeer Brownies

Want a little something different to decorate this year?  Lots of people love these reindeer brownies that I posted recently on Facebook after making them with my daughter Gigi.

Bye a brownie box mix, for God's sake!  After you bake them, let them cool.  Cut the brownies into triangles.  A plastic knife keeps the brownies from ripping.

Icing the brownies with chocolate frosting.  Break up some pretzels to make them into antlers and stick 'em in.  Add eyes and a red hot or candy decoration.  Wallah!


Brownie mix & all the stuff that goes into the mix
Chocolate icing
Candy eyes
Pretzels - medium size
Red candy or red hot for nose

Quest for Christmas Cheer

Here's my Pop Up Comedy Quest for Christmas Cheer. 

Happy Holidays!

Christmas Spirit Cocktail

Wanna get in the Christmas spirit?  Here's the way to ensure you're feeling festive.

Christmas Spirit Cocktail
4 cups cranberry juice
2 cups orange juice
2 cups vodka
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons Quantro
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground allspice
1/4 tsp nutmeg

orange slice garnish


Friday, December 13, 2013

3 Tips to Beat the Holi-daze

An appreciation for elf culture is important during this season. "I just like to smile, smiling's my favorite."  Love the movie Elf!  Buddy beams joy.  The holidays are supposed to be a happy time but all too often they can leave you frazzled and exhausted.  When your schedule starts to stress you out, whoop it up with these three tips.

  • Feeling Overwhelmed?  Take a short break to wrap presents.  Performing monotonous task can actually boost creativity and problem solving skills, according to study from UC Santa Barbara.  Could explain why I clean the house when I am mad.  

  • On a tight budget?  Make the holidays about GIVING with a visit to a soup kitchen or nursing home.  Volunteering releases a trigger of feel good hormones.  Match your volunteer skills with a worthy cause at volunteermatch.org.
  •   Grumpy, Scrooge-like?  You are not the only one who falls in a funk at the "most wonderful time of the year."  It’s the expectations.  Write a letter of gratitude or count blessing to rewire the brain's pleasure circuits. (Family Circle Dec 2013)  
BONUS MOST IMPORTANT TIP OF ALL:  MAKE FUN! Think "how can I CREATE some FUN" at a time when you are in the full throws of Stressmas?  Be your own best funmaker.   Here's a site that delivers a quick fun-fix in tune with the holidays.  Create an elfie!  Go to elfie.me, upload a photo, put on some antlers, and viola!

Coming next week:
Pop Up Comedy Video - Quest For Christmas Cheer where I visit the dump, talk with my exterminator, and sit on Santa's lap. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Whoop It Up No Matter Who's Talkin' Turkey

It's butterball time and with all the relatives around, there might be a ruffled feather or two.  Thanksgiving is an emotional holiday.  If your Uncle Bob is a Rush Limbaugh fan and your cousin Serenity drives a Prius, it may be wise to avoid topics like politics and religion at your Thanksgiving table this year.  Duh!  Here are some tips on how to whoop it up with more fun & less stress, no matter who is talkin’ turkey.   It's a cornucopia fit for The Thanksgiving Hunger Games:  Special Names, Costumes, Rituals, and Awards.  

Pre-meal Creative Mission :

During the prep stage of the day, often times family is sitting around while the meal is a cooking.  People get restless or drink too much which could cause friction at the table.  Best to put them on a creative mission.

• Pilgrim Name Generator – type in each person’s name on this website to find out their Pilgrim Name which chould help inspire them to create a headdress (next item).  Put name on name tag.  On this day forth, I shall be known as Alice Hopkins, great great great pumpkin pie eating grandmother of Anthony.   http://www.quizopolis.com/pilgrim-name-generator.php

• Costumes, everyone! - Have everyone make a headdress.  Options are great: Fall Harvest Crown, Feather, Pilgrim Hat, Pilgrim Bonnet, Scarecrow. http://www.parents.com/holiday/thanksgiving/crafts/super-cute-thanksgiving-hats/#page=26

• Compete in a Talkin' Turkey Trivia Game with a buzzer or bell - Trivia Facts http://www.whsv.com/seasonal/misc/33852054.html

At The Table Rituals:
• Chalkboard table – write what you’re grateful for on the table.  

• Pass The Candle and say what you're most thankful for.  

Tell Funny Stories Thanksgivings Gone Wrong, dog grabbed turkey off counter, clogged up toilet, drunk fam member.  Great stories at Gawker -  http://gawker.com/5863107/here-are-your-worst-thanksgiving-horror-stories

Have a toxic guest?  Use place cards.  Move Uncle Bob and his outbursts to the end of the table – Keep the kids at the same table with the adults for more lively adventure.  (I always hated the kid table!)

Post Meal Decompression: 
Awards:  Share “Thank You Certificates” with dessert.  Funny ways to enjoy each other…each person gives one to another person at the table…coordinated by the dinner host. http://www.night.net/kids/cert-thanks.html-ssi
• Thank You For The Constant Whistling…makes our house seem happy.
• Thank You for the Guilt Call...I know how much you care.
• Thank You for Taking a Nap Every Time We Watch TV…so I can change the channel.

•  Turkey trot after the meal.  Walk off those giblets: 160 pound person, 1 hr walk = 250 cal.

•  Watch a movie – If you are not going to see The Hunger Games, here are 10 movies about Thanksgiving with my fav’s Trains/Planes, Avalon, Home For the Holidays and more.  Great list on IMDB http://www.imdb.com/list/BhMKFbC2SWg/

ENJOY and Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope you get your favorite style of cranberry sauce and lots of hugs!

Cyndy, The Whoopie Queen

p.s. If your relatives do a doozie to your emotions this holiday, never fear, The Whoopie Queen is here.  I have a call on Wednesday, December 4th at 12noon to provide positive psychology tips and tools on getting down with your mind chatter.   http://www.eventbrite.com/e/whoop-it-up-with-your-mind-chatter-tickets-9231111503

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

How Many Hugs Does It Take To Feel Happier?

Intentional Acts of Kindness
FULL BODY HUG, new pop up comedy bit -


How Many Hugs Does It Take to Feel Happier? 

It's World Kindness Day every year on November 13th.   There are lots of ways to spread the love.  Open the door for someone, smile, pass out flowers, donate a coat, pay the tab of a person who is in line behind you, write a letter of thanks, call a distant relative, cook a meal for a person in need, hug your neighbor.  The bestselling book Random Acts of Kindness started a rEVOLution of guerrilla goodness.  Bob Votruba created a movement - he bought a school bus, had 40 of his relatives paint it with "nice" messages, and he went on a tour around the country challenging people to do a MILLION acts of kindness in their life.

Kindness does not have to be random.  It can be intentional.  And it can be funny, especially when you tell strangers you are a hug expert and guide them on how to give a "full body hug."  Click on the Pop Up Comedy link below.

Feeling the need to have the research behind The Whoopie Queen know-it-all tips, I am becoming a certified Positive Psycho, uh humm Positive Psychologist, through the Open Center's Flourish program in NYC.  In my studies we recently learned about Dr. Love, Neuroeconomist Paul Zak.  He did some research which reveals that if you want to feel happier in life, give/get 8 hugs a day.  If I squeeze ya upon greeting, know that I'm getting my quota and spreading the love.

Bob Votruba One Million Acts of Kindness Bus Tourhttp://www.onemillionactsofkindness.com/about/
• Pop Up Comedyhttp://www.whoopiequeen.com/YouTube.html.
• Dr. Love's TED talkhttp://www.ted.com/talk/paul_zak_trust_morality_and_oxytocin.html
• For more ideas of kindness, visithttp://www.randomactsofkindness.org/kindness-ideas


• Have a Nooner with The Whoopie Queen
A 1 hr teleclass - Whoop It Up With Your Mind Chatter,  12pm-1pm on 12/4/13

Most people have a tickertape of thoughts that bounce around their head throughout the day.  It never stops.  From the book The Untethered Soul, it is refered to as the "roommate" in your brain...
  • "What was her name?  I should know her name.  Kristine has introduced me twice.  I'm a crack head.  How can I act like I remember her without using her name?" 
  • "Shoot, I should have spoken up in the meeting.  Now I don't look like I know what I'm talking about.  This is the kind of thing that effects my review.  Stupid!" 
  • "The house is going to be full of relatives during the holidays.  What should I make for dinner?!  Kelly is a vegan.  How can I serve a roast beast?  It is so hard to please everyone.  And my uncle dislikes my cousin.  I'll never get through the festivities without a big fat mess."
Get down with the mind chatter and use it to problem solve, laugh at it, or shut it the F up!  A one hour call - Whoop It Up With Your Mind Chatterhttp://whoopitupmindchatter.eventbrite.com/?aff=estw

•  Come out and see me sometime.  Monday, 11/18/13 Special Comedy Performance 
FemFocus:  Overcoming Obstacles

An intimate evening of interaction, inspiration & illumination, Georgetown University| 6-9p

Moderator: Carol Ross Joynt: Editor-in-Chief, Washingtonian
Margot Dorfman: CEO US Women’s Chamber of Commerce
Reverend Ann Gillespie: Christ Church
Lauren Ruotolo: Director Entertainment Promotions, Hearst Magazines
Chris Weber: Former VP Production for Specials, Discovery Channel
Special performance by: The Whoopie Queen, Cyndy Cecil-Bragg

• Visit the newly fluffed up web site. 
www.whoopiequeen.com now has a feather boa, all the Whoopie Queen Pop Up Comedy videos, and the latest Let's Talk Live appearances.  Thank you for the production assistance Tony Quaranta, Jr.!

•  Check out new Pop Up Comedy that is popping up!http://whoopiequeen.com/YouTube.html
Full Body Hug premieres today in honor of World Kindness Day where I do HUGS 101 on The Mall in front of the US Capitol.  Last month we whooped up some fun outside of Ford's Theater and did a tour-guide takeover about Prez Obama's limo, The Beast.  And there's the Ode to Anderson Cooper's stories about the  Monkey Trip to Ikea.  If you have a Pop Up Comedy idea, send it my way.  cyndy@whoopiequeen.com

Postiive Psycho, over and out.

Big Love & Eight Hugs,
Cyndy, The Whoopie Queen


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wicked Washington Halloween

Wicked Washington...not just for the politicians tonight.  Whoop it up and make some mischief in the DMV on All Hallow's Eve with the Whoopie Queen picks:

MASQUERADE Party AT SAX, "NIGHT OF MASKS" OCTOBER 31 http://www.saxwdc.com/ 734 Eleventh St. NW, 10p  Grand costumed performances in our glass enclosed stage begin at 6:30pm and continue all night!  Expect Electrifying performances such as Big Spender, Booty Swing and Chamber Mates that will dazzle you throughout the evening. The professional cast of acrobats, burlesque, and contemporary dancers will wow you and suck you into the magic that is Sax. Be prepared to be awestruck.  Enjoy bewitching bottle service specials, enchanting performances, delectable Halloween tricks and treats, and other SAXual surprises beginning at 10pm.

Halloween Social at the W Hotel
October 31, 2013, 8 p. m. P.O.V Rooftop, W Hotel, 515 15th Street NW, Washington DC. The Halloween party will fEeature craft cocktails plus dancing and DJ Ghost and DJ Philipz spinning all night, with special guest performers, a best costume contest, and more. The winner of the night’s best costume contest will receive an overnight stay, champagne, and breakfast in bed. A portion of the evening’s proceeds will benefit the Washington Humane Society.

The Mansion on O
October 31, 2013, 8:00 p.m. 2020 O Street NW. Washington DC. Costume Party.  Online Reservations Required, $30 per person, no tickets at the door. Party includes: DJ, costume contest with prizes, chocolate fountain, special Halloween treasure hunt, cash bar. Tour the 100 room mansion and search for secret doors when you visit. https://www.omansion.com/events/reservation.shtml?Event=Halloween%20Party

NIGHTLY SPIRITS WHITE HOUSE HAUNTED PUB TOUR $32.95, 8:30pm Occidental Grill http://www.nightlyspirits.com/ 2.5 hour walking tour past of some of the most historic and haunted pubs and buildings in Washington DC.. 3-4 different locations incl a former funeral home that is now a haunted bar. 

National Building Museum Ghost Tours
Take a spooky lantern-light ghost tour led by costumed Civil War veterans. Infamous as one of the most haunted buildings in DC, find out why ghosts call the National Building Museum their home. Hear tales of an irritable rider on horseback and look for mysterious faces in the 75-foot Corinthian columns and much more! 2013 Dates: September 29, October 23, 20, and 31. Registration is required. Call (202) 272-2448.

The Most Haunted Houses  7:30 $20, 2 hours http://www.washingtonwalks.com/tours/haunted-houses.shtml  Violent quarrels, vicious attacks, murder, suicide -- why is it such turbulent events in Washington history seem concentrated around the seven acres of Lafayette Park? grim reaper stalked more than Abraham Lincoln.  begin this walk at the house considered the most haunted home in the city: The Octagon. October 31 when a special edition of the walk will be offered that brings you inside the Octagon House.  Reservations are required

NIGHTMARE MANOR http://nightmare-manor.com/schedule.html Thurs 7p $25  actors, haunted 200 year old house, surrounding areas and corn field, URBANA up 270, corn field, maze of buildings, house with cellar, ghosts!!!

Crime Museum: Fright @ the Museum "DEAD MEN WALKING" The museum is a hunting ground for the criminally insane.  7pm, tours ½ hour, $20 7th Street NW http://tickets.crimemuseum.org/capacity/titles/Fright_at_the_Museum.aspx 
HALLOWEEN CIRCUS @ BLACKCAT:  3 dif rooms with heavy metal in one place and rockabilly Johnny Grave & The Tombstones, burlesque dancers, sideshow acts. http://www.blackcatdc.com/shows/mardi-gras.html    10 Adv/ $12 DOS Mainstage / Doors at 8:00, 1811 14th St. NW

Strathmore - Funk Legend Bootsy Collins and the Funk Unity Band Playing with a Full Symphony  A concert benefiting BeethovenFound/Tribute to Wounded Warriors and the Bootsy Collins Foundation, giving musical instruments to children in underserved communities, and The Art and Drama Therapy Institute.  http://www.strathmore.org/eventstickets/calendar/view.asp?id=9798

ALL HALLOWS LIVE Who's Bad?  October 31, 2013. Maryland Live Casino, Arundel Mills, MD. Customers will enjoy Trick or Treat Prize Drawings for Live! Rewards Players Club members, a Halloween Candy handout, and a special live performance from Who's Bad, a tribute to Michael Jackson, at Rams Head Center Stage, followed by a Costume Contest with a top prize of $1,500 Free Slot Play. Concert begins at 8 p.m. Contest at 11:00 p.m. 

Have a ghordeous Halloween!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Making Fun Where the Fun Don't Shine

The Whoopie Queen Pop Up Comedy Tour is here!  Sometimes ya need a little glitter to sparkle, especially when you get your picture taken for your driver's license.  

I'm here to help.

                                                   And in the coming weeks...
It's an effort to make FUN where the fun don't shine, every Whoopie Wednesday in September!

Cyndy The Whoopie Queen

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Whoop-Powing The Chaos

I recently heard in a Positive Psychology course that there is no such thing as getting rid of a bad habit.  You simply have to replace it with another habit, hopefully a good one.   For most people, with the kids starting back to school, things get a look wack-a-doo in the morning routine.   A few years back, I decided to whoop-pow the chaos and make a change, a great change.  My goal was to encourage my kiddos to become independent children and get them doing what they need to do.  And selfishly, I wanted to have more a little more time to have a coffee and wrap my head around the day in order to make some whoopie!

This week, my kids come down from their rooms with their beds made, clothes on, and ready for breakfast.  I am not showing off!  Just want to share what I wish someone had shared with me when I was living in morning chaos.  You have to bribe these suckers!

First day of school cuties below!!!  Could they fit more in their backpacks?!
And so I give you a mommy's little helper in lieu of yelling and alcohol. It works-guaranteed!  Other mom friends have used this tool and love it. 

Reward/bribe the kids for doing what they need to do with a chart to get them into good habits. We started out calling it a superhero helper list and after good patterns were established, we changed it up to be a chore chart.  When my son was 5-6 years old, he got tickets.  Twenty tickets = an action figure he could "buy."  Over the years, the reward became allowance money for check marks, 25 cents per check.  Periodically, a raise is rewarded.  My daughter Gigi has always gotten allowance money because she is the second child and, well, second, third, fourth, fifth kids get things that the first never would. 

Examples of "charts" are to the left and if you want a copy, email me and I'll send them to you.   cyndy@whoopiequeen.com  You can customize them with pictures of whatever your little ones are into.  And as things become routine, you can get rid of them and add new "projects."

Now, I'm on a mission to get the kids to do laundry and cook a meal at least one night a week.  Alright, laundry may be too ambitious.  However, tonight David Dean is preparing nachos for dinner.  Here comes a chaotic kitchen!

...Nachos were a hit!  David's dad showed him how to grill the steak and cut up all the toppings.  He said he liked the grill the best and wants to do hamburgers next week.  It's a little Daddy/David grill time.  Boys do love fire.  See, bribery works!

Thursday, August 8, 2013


What have you FUN lately?  According to the CDC, 1 in 10 American adults report depression.  While children laugh 300 to 400 times in a day, adults laugh only 15 times. "The opposite of play is not work, it is depression."  Brian Sutton-Smith, Founder, National Institute for Play.   It is like we have forgotten to have fun. 

My grandfather, Robert Buddy Cecil, who just passed away to the great-recliner-in-a bass-boat-in-the-sky, was a master at the art of joyful merriment.  Even though he was born in one of the poorest places in America, Harlan County... Even though he was one of 17 siblings and was abandoned as a boy... Even though he was part of the Normandy Invasion in WWII and saw more death than anyone should ever have to see...   Even though all of those things happened to him, he was a man who could have been bitter but he never was.  He was awarded over 10 medals for his heroism in WWII.  He went on to work at GM and built a life with four sons, a 71 year marriage with my grandma "Helen Bessie", and he retired on a lake where he caught more bass than his big belly could hold.  More than anything, that papaw of mine was a character and was always telling jokes and stories.  He was jolly because he chose to be.  Being at his funeral last weekend made me realize how extremely lucky I am to have learned from him about how to be a funmaker!

How did he do it?  How does anyone do it?  How do you make whoopie fun when you feel life cheated you, you're stuck or tired or bored or not so happy?  There is a theory that motion creates emotion.  It's a choice. Joyfulness is unconditional commitment to be happy in the moment and to have fun despite life’s problems. Joyfulness is easily triggered by joyful activities like laughing, dancing, singing and playing. It is purely a physical phenomenon.  You FEEL it.   Happiness is a concept of the mind which can come or go.   However, having more fun in life, you will FEEL like life is more fun.  You have to make it to feel it.

I can help.  My Whoopie Queen Facebook page has something that will make you laugh every day.  https://www.facebook.com/WhoopieQueen  Follow me on the Twitter for ideas on making more fun in life - https://twitter.com/WhoopieQueen.   Watch my tour show in September.  Here's a sneak peak - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKxsK7-KwnI 

Private parties, corporate events, speaking engagments, here I come.  And, I'm planning a seminar on how to have more fun and less stress in life called Make Your Own Whoopie In The World.  

The Whoopie Hotline is 917)714-0694 or email me at cyndy@whoopiequeen.com.

Now go out there and make your own whoopie in the world,
Cyndy The Whoopie Queen

Thursday, August 1, 2013

31 Ways to Romance Your Lover

August is National Romance Month.  Never fear, The Whoopie Queen is here with ideas to make the last month of summer juicy like a watermelon.   

Romance is a verb - "to woo."   A few years back I was talking with a friend about how much effort a relationship requires.  She replied, "Yeah, but what's the alternative?!"  That is when it hit me.  Before I married Dan, we had a LOVE AFFAIR.  The alternative is terrible if we stop "wooing."  People settle into the doldrums of marriage.  Marriage is an "institution" and you know what happens to the people in institutions?  They are drugged and die slowly.  Instead, I suggest that couples be lovers.  They feel alive.  Lovers don't take each other for granted.  They appreciate each other.  They don't keep score.  They do things to keep interest peaked.  They flirt.  They text.  They call.  They write each other sexy notes.  They make plans to spend time together (especially without kids).  They hold a special place of honor for each ohter.  They get naked.  They have sex.   Yes, let's be lovers! 

So in honor of a steamy, sizzling, August Romance, I give you 31 Ways to Romance Your Lover this month:
  1. Go to a photo booth and take make-out pics.
  2. Book a sitter for a Saturday mid-day, have her get kids out of house and have afternoon delight.
  3. Go for a walk in the park while eating popsicles.
  4. Make a playlist for your lover.
  5. Leave post-it love notes all over the inside of your lover's car.
  6. Drive-in movie on back porch w/brown-sugar popcorn and flick on the ipad.
  7. Send a whoopie gram to work - favorite candy bar with sexy note in briefcase.
  8. Write each other Mad Libs Notes.  http://www.thedatingdivas.com/wp-content/uploads/Sarina-Madlibs-MadAboutYouANDMadlyInLove.pdf
  9. Drive separately & pick each other up at a bar. 
  10. Make Your Lover's Favorite Ice Cream w/vanilla in the freezer & favorite candy bars on the ready.
  11. Hold hands on a beach walk and talk about your fav beach trips. 
  12. Leave a love note on the mirror, written with a Sharpie. It washes off.
  13. Find a funny, laugh out loud card and mail it to your lover's office.
  14. Make breakfast in bed FOR DINNER.
  15. Walk arm-n-arm at a haunted location in your town.  In Georgetown, I want to visit The Exorcist steps. 
  16. Make a list of reasons why you are grateful to be with your lover.  
  17. Learn about the opposite sex and tell your lover about it.  http://www.medicinenet.com/18_secrets_men_want_you_to_know_pictures_slideshow/article.htm
  18. Say to your lover when you awake in the morning:  "What can I do for you today that will make your life easier and less stressful?"  Then do it.
  19. Flirt with your lover in an unusual place...in a store checkout line, while making dinner, while doing yard work...
  20. Flash your lover.
  21. Go through pics of your past together while listening to music.
  22. Surprise your lover.
  23. Dance together.  Salsa.  Swing.  Tango.
  24. Send a sext message.  Just do it!
  25. Ok, if you can't sext, send your lover a romantic line of poetry.  For a little help on the poem front:  http://ingenira.hubpages.com/hub/Romantic-Love-Quotes-for-Valentines-Day AND http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-love-poems.php.
  26. Pour a glass of wine and take a stroll together through your neighborhood after dinner.
  27. Grab some flesh.  A pat.  A squeeze.       
  28. Shower together.
  29. Have a secret phrase to tell you're lover he/she is hot, like “Are we due for an oil change?” No will know what it means but you.  (That's not our phrase!)
  30. Go and kiss under the stars.
  31. Make a love montage of couple pictures and frame it.
For more ideas:
