It's butterball time and with all the relatives around, there might be a ruffled feather or two. Thanksgiving is an emotional holiday. If your Uncle Bob is a Rush Limbaugh fan and your cousin Serenity drives a Prius, it may be wise to avoid topics like politics and religion at your Thanksgiving table this year. Duh! Here are some tips on how to whoop it up with more fun & less stress, no matter who is talkin’ turkey. It's a cornucopia fit for The Thanksgiving Hunger Games: Special Names, Costumes, Rituals, and Awards.
Pre-meal Creative Mission :
• Pilgrim
Name Generator – type in each person’s name on this website to find out
their Pilgrim Name which chould help inspire them to create a headdress (next item).
Put name on name tag. On this day forth, I shall be known as Alice Hopkins, great great great pumpkin pie eating grandmother of Anthony.
• Costumes, everyone! - Have everyone make a headdress. Options are great: Fall Harvest Crown, Feather, Pilgrim Hat, Pilgrim Bonnet, Scarecrow.
• Compete in a Talkin' Turkey Trivia Game with a buzzer or bell - Trivia Facts
• Pass The Candle and say what you're most thankful for.
• Tell Funny Stories Thanksgivings Gone Wrong, dog grabbed turkey off counter, clogged up toilet, drunk fam member. Great stories at Gawker -
• Have a toxic guest? Use place cards. Move Uncle Bob and his outbursts to the end of the table – Keep the kids at the same table with the adults for more lively adventure. (I always hated the kid table!)
Post Meal Decompression:
• Awards: Share “Thank You Certificates” with dessert. Funny ways to enjoy each other…each person gives one to another person at the table…coordinated by the dinner host.
• Turkey trot after the meal. Walk off those giblets: 160 pound person, 1 hr walk = 250 cal.
• Awards: Share “Thank You Certificates” with dessert. Funny ways to enjoy each other…each person gives one to another person at the table…coordinated by the dinner host.
• Thank You For The Constant Whistling…makes our house seem happy.
• Thank You for the Guilt Call...I know how much you care.
• Thank You for Taking a Nap Every Time We Watch TV…so I can change the channel.
• Turkey trot after the meal. Walk off those giblets: 160 pound person, 1 hr walk = 250 cal.

ENJOY and Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope you get your favorite style of cranberry sauce and lots of hugs!
Cyndy, The Whoopie Queen
p.s. If your relatives do a doozie to your emotions this holiday, never fear, The Whoopie Queen is here. I have a call on Wednesday, December 4th at 12noon to provide positive psychology tips and tools on getting down with your mind chatter.
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