• Have a Nooner with The Whoopie Queen A 1 hr teleclass - Whoop It Up With Your Mind Chatter, 12pm-1pm on 12/4/13 http://whoopitupmindchatter.eventbrite.com/?aff=estw
Most people have a tickertape of thoughts that bounce around their head throughout the day. It never stops. From the book The Untethered Soul, it is refered to as the "roommate" in your brain...
- "What
was her name? I should know her name. Kristine has introduced me
twice. I'm a crack head. How can I act like I remember her without
using her name?"
- "Shoot,
I should have spoken up in the meeting. Now I don't look like I know
what I'm talking about. This is the kind of thing that effects my
review. Stupid!"
- "The
house is going to be full of relatives during the holidays. What
should I make for dinner?! Kelly is a vegan. How can I serve a roast
beast? It is so hard to please everyone. And my uncle dislikes my
cousin. I'll never get through the festivities without a big fat mess."
Get down
with the mind chatter and use it to problem solve, laugh at it, or shut
it the F up! A one hour call - Whoop It Up With Your Mind Chatterhttp://whoopitupmindchatter.eventbrite.com/?aff=estw
• Come out and see me sometime. Monday, 11/18/13 Special Comedy Performance FemFocus: Overcoming Obstacles An intimate evening of interaction, inspiration & illumination, Georgetown University| 6-9p
Moderator: Carol Ross Joynt: Editor-in-Chief, Washingtonian
Margot Dorfman: CEO US Women’s Chamber of Commerce
Reverend Ann Gillespie: Christ Church
Lauren Ruotolo: Director Entertainment Promotions, Hearst Magazines
Chris Weber: Former VP Production for Specials, Discovery Channel
Special performance by: The Whoopie Queen, Cyndy Cecil-Bragg
• Visit the newly fluffed up web site. www.whoopiequeen.com now
has a feather boa, all the Whoopie Queen Pop Up Comedy videos, and the
latest Let's Talk Live appearances. Thank you for the production
assistance Tony Quaranta, Jr.!
• Check out new Pop Up Comedy that is popping up!http://whoopiequeen.com/YouTube.html Full
Body Hug premieres today in honor of World Kindness Day where I do HUGS
101 on The Mall in front of the US Capitol. Last month we whooped up
some fun outside of Ford's Theater and did a tour-guide takeover about
Prez Obama's limo, The Beast. And there's the Ode to Anderson Cooper's
stories about the Monkey Trip to Ikea. If you have a Pop Up Comedy
idea, send it my way. cyndy@whoopiequeen.com
Postiive Psycho, over and out.
Big Love & Eight Hugs, Cyndy, The Whoopie Queen |
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