YOU MUST SPEAK THE LANGUAGE OF LOVE and I'm not talking French or Italian. There are 5 languages of love, according to relationship expert Gary Chapman: touch, acts of service, quality time, words of affirmation, and gifts. Take their fun QUIZ @ I've taken it 5 times in an effort to be multilingual.
FRIENDSHIP IS THE FLAME OF ROMANCE: Whether you are in a new relationship or you’ve been married for 20 years, scientist John Gottman, PhD of The Love Lab has found that friendship is the key for long term success. When you first start dating someone, you are discovering who they are and it ignites a fire. When you have been with someone for a while, you have to fan the fire by re-discovering the person. Date your mate like a new love. I'm not talking going to the movies. Try new things. Go play laser tag, take a class in how to do graffitti art, SHAKE UP THE SPRAY CAN. Get out of your comfort zone with your partner and get to know him/her in a new way. Need ideas -

BE A COLLECTOR OF EMOTIONAL MOMENTS. So crazy for this phrase from psychologist Ross Parke: “Life is like a string of pearls…collect those times when you feel totally present and connect with each other on a deep and meaningful level.” One way to make better connections is to ask better questions. Instead of “How was your day?” ask specific questions for specific answers. Tell me about your presentation. Was there a time today when you felt unappreciated? What was the part of your day that made you feel good?
If you have more ideas or questions, send them my way... would love to hear ways you keep the love alive. Post your comments below or email me at And if you have questions, I've got answers on how to live the sweet life using positive psychology tips with a splash of whoop-pow! Check out my new weekly segment, ASK CYNDY, on my website. This week, advice on how to deal with a loved one who won't get off their cell phone. Next week, a question about a husband that won't keep his underwear in the right place.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Cyndy, The Whoopie Queen
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