Wednesday, January 15, 2014



WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO THIS YEAR?  Instead of focusing on what you need to stop doing this year, think of what you want to DO, what you want to BE, what you want to HAVE.  For inspiration, visit a site of wishes.    It started because a woman named Candy Chang from New Orleans lost someone dear to her.  She grieved and decided to do something that would celebrate life.  She painted an abandoned house with chalkboard paint and a movement began.  She has a TED talk, book, and newsletter.  

In my studies to practice positive psychology (POSITIVE PSYCHO here), research shows that writing down your goals, your wishes, your desires is the best way to make them happen.  In the best-selling book, What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School, author Mark H. McCormack describes a Harvard study conducted between 1979 and 1989. Graduates of the MBA program were asked to set clear, specific, written goals for their future, together with written action steps to accomplish them. The most interesting finding was that the 3 percent of graduates who had clear, written goals were earning, on average, 10 times more than 97 percent of their graduating class.

A friend asked me to write down my BEFORE I DIE.  Here goes:

Before I Die I want to tour the pyramids, dance around Stonehenge, be a contributing correspondent for a TV show on a regular basis and get paid lots for it, see my kids grow up to have great self esteem, have a life-long love affair with Dan, have crazy mad fun, create a movement that encourages others to whoop it up to live the sweet life.  

What are your BEFORE I DIE wishes?

Whoop it up...we only have one chance to be on this planet.   The video below is from a TV appearance I did on how to keep resolutions and goals.  enJOY! 

1 comment:

  1. Before I Die I want to tour the pyramids, dance around Stonehenge, be a contributing correspondent for a TV show on a regular basis and get paid lots for it, see my kids grow up to have great self esteem, have a life-long love affair with Dan, have crazy mad fun, create a movement that encourages others to whoop it up to live the sweet life.
