How can you create good fortune? Luck you long time. That's right. Believe that you are lucky. Think that the good stuff is coming your way. There's scientific proof it works. In the book The Luck Factor, by Richard Wiseman, there are oodles of studies on how mindset determines our fortune.
In case you don't get to it, he outlines 4 principles:
1. Maximize your chance opportunities.
2. Listen to your lucky hunches.
3. Expect good fortune.
4. Turn bad luck into good.
Below are a a few more ideas to create good fortune that are tried and true. They are life tested from my time involved in a women's empowerment group for ten years, and from 47 years of what I consider a life of great fortune. Not really ancient Chinese secrets but they'll make ya go, "AHHHHHH, Calgone, take me away." These ideas were presented at a speech I recently gave to a fab organization, FemCity DC.
More Ways to Make Good Fortune:
• Let the Bad Air Out – How do you stay joyful? Know how to let the anger out. One way is to get physical. Workout. Move your body. Hit the wall with a towel. Some people need a more thoughtful process. Journal. Breathe. Meditate. Pray. Drink. Just kidding about the last one as a way to manage anger. Might work for a while but not so good at really defusing the fuse.
• Make Time For
Yourself – Recharge your batteries. As they said in the Calgone commercials...ancient Chinese secret, ahhhhhhh. We get depleted when we over serve others. It is imperative to fill up with self care. Take baths. Manicures. Walks. Movies. Lunch with a friend. Art. Fill up your cup with goodness.
• Have gratitude
– Studies show the simple act of thinking grateful thoughts increases your serotonin and dopamine levels - those are the hormones that make you feel good. When you get down with where you are and what you have, you make room for more goodness. A few years back, I disliked being a SAHM (stay at home mom), coming off of being a TV executive with nanny. Then I got down with it and ate bon bons while I folded laundry and watched The View. I embraced the time to BE, and became the most envied SAHM I knew. Thereafter, it became the premise of my first standup comedy set.
• Laugh – People who laugh seem happy. One would think that about comedians, right? In my travels at Showtime working with comedians, and more recently performing stand up at open mics, I've found that comedians are often highly cynical people. Not a lot of joy. But that is one of my goals at the mic...spread the joy. If you've ever been to one of my performances, you know I have a good time laughing about my hillbilly relatives, my gray hairs, and my minivan. Research shows that people
who have big beams live longer. Whoo hoo, that gives me more time to create good fortune.
Whoop POW!