Romance is a verb - "to woo." A few years back I was talking with a friend about how much effort a relationship requires. She replied, "Yeah, but what's the alternative?!" That is when it hit me. Before I married Dan, we had a LOVE AFFAIR. The alternative is terrible if we stop "wooing." People settle into the doldrums of marriage. Marriage is an "institution" and you know what happens to the people in institutions? They are drugged and die slowly. Instead, I suggest that couples be lovers. They feel alive. Lovers don't take each other for granted. They appreciate each other. They don't keep score. They do things to keep interest peaked. They flirt. They text. They call. They write each other sexy notes. They make plans to spend time together (especially without kids). They hold a special place of honor for each ohter. They get naked. They have sex. Yes, let's be lovers!
So in honor of a steamy, sizzling, August Romance, I give you 31 Ways to Romance Your Lover this month:
- Go to a photo booth and take make-out pics.
- Book a sitter for a Saturday mid-day, have her get kids out of house and have afternoon delight.
- Go for a walk in the park while eating popsicles.
- Make a playlist for your lover.
- Leave post-it love notes all over the inside of your lover's car.
- Drive-in movie on back porch w/brown-sugar popcorn and flick on the ipad.
- Send a whoopie gram to work - favorite candy bar with sexy note in briefcase.
- Write each other Mad Libs Notes. http://www.thedatingdivas.com/wp-content/uploads/Sarina-Madlibs-MadAboutYouANDMadlyInLove.pdf
- Drive separately & pick each other up at a bar.
- Make Your Lover's Favorite Ice Cream w/vanilla in the freezer & favorite candy bars on the ready.
- Hold hands on a beach walk and talk about your fav beach trips.
- Leave a love note on the mirror, written with a Sharpie. It washes off.
- Find a funny, laugh out loud card and mail it to your lover's office.
- Make breakfast in bed FOR DINNER.
- Walk arm-n-arm at a haunted location in your town. In Georgetown, I want to visit The Exorcist steps.
- Make a list of reasons why you are grateful to be with your lover.
- Learn about the opposite sex and tell your lover about it. http://www.medicinenet.com/18_secrets_men_want_you_to_know_pictures_slideshow/article.htm
- Say to your lover when you awake in the morning: "What can I do for you today that will make your life easier and less stressful?" Then do it.
- Flirt with your lover in an unusual place...in a store checkout line, while making dinner, while doing yard work...
- Flash your lover.
- Go through pics of your past together while listening to music.
- Surprise your lover.
- Dance together. Salsa. Swing. Tango.
- Send a sext message. Just do it!
- Ok, if you can't sext, send your lover a romantic line of poetry. For a little help on the poem front: http://ingenira.hubpages.com/hub/Romantic-Love-Quotes-for-Valentines-Day AND http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-love-poems.php.
- Pour a glass of wine and take a stroll together through your neighborhood after dinner.
- Grab some flesh. A pat. A squeeze.
- Shower together.
- Have a secret phrase to tell you're lover he/she is hot, like “Are we due for an oil change?” No will know what it means but you. (That's not our phrase!)
- Go and kiss under the stars.
- Make a love montage of couple pictures and frame it.
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