It's so hot that I'm washing my face with Seabreeze.
It's so hot Body Pump felt like Body DUMP.
In most of the Pop-up Comedy shots, I am "pitting out." Oh that's HAWT! My puppy is so hot he won't even play catch. As the dog days of summer approach and in honor of National Hot Dog Day 7/23, I wish for you the joy of sitting on an A/C vent looking at doggie things that made me smile this week. Free coupon at the bottom of this post from 7-eleven for a free hot dog. Whoop whoop!
A hot dog slicer I saw in the DRUG STORE. Who needs THAT?! And why is it in CVS?!

Snaugages with faces on them. Pigs-in-a-blanket with Pillsbury Dough made by yours truly.
The mom dancing in this ad is hi-larious. She also serves birthday cake wearing an animal carcass. I include it because there is a dog Stretchkin you can buy. Link below. (*2)
Picture at left was taken in Stockholm by
The dog that looks like it has ice cream on it is actually two scoops of mashed potatoes. On the bottom left, it is shrimp salad on a hot dog.

If you have a 7-Eleven Store nearby, you can pick up a sweet freebie on National Hotdog Day, on Tuesday July 23rd. You will need to download the FREE 7-Eleven Mobile App on your Apple Phone or Device here in order to receive the coupon for a free 1/8 lb HotDog on July 23rd from 7-Eleven