Tuesday, August 5, 2014


We are well into August and hitting the Dog Days of Summer.  Often people are sluggish and inactive during this time of year.  If you find yourself needing a little boost, here are a few ways to hit the refresh button. 

Star gaze to feel connected to the Universe.  The term Dog Days of Summer comes from the Roman belief that the star Sirius was responsible for hot weather.  During July and August, it is the brightest star in the night sky and is located in the constellation Canis Major (Big Dog). 

Summer time means sunscreen which means clogged pores.  What is the best way to exfoliate?  Make a lemon mask.  According to Dr. Oz, lemons add a little zest to your life.  Make a lemon mixture for a face mask and kiss those blackheads goodbye.  1/2 cup milk, 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp brandy.  Leave on for 5-10 minutes.  It will tingle.  It's a home made chemical peel.  

In August, we are all putting on our bathing suits and thinking about how we look.  15 million Americans had some kind of cosmetic procedure done in 2013, according to the 2013 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report!  Best way to hit the refresh button on your image is to whiten your teeth.  It is: Inexpensive.  Non-invasive.  Makes you look younger.   When did you ever see a baby with yellow teeth?!

Kids are home during the summer which creates some challenges for parents.  PEP, the Parenting Encouragement Program in Kensington, MD, offers classes and has a great tips.  To set the refresh button on your parenting style, spend “special time” with your child.  15 minutes, every day for toddlers and young children.  It alleviates the nagging, whining, attention-grabbing behavior because the kids know they will have your undivided attention.  For older kids, make a date every week. http://pepparent.org/

The weather in August brews up the time when tempers flare.  People are hot under the collar.  Want to hit the reset button on problem solving?   According to James Brown, the one thing that can solve most problems is dance.  Move the negative energy out of your body and free your mind to think.  GET ON UP with your hot pants.  

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