A dear friend of mine sent me an hour long interview of Oprah indicating her message was exactly what I need to hear. I hesitated because, it's Oprah and I just didn't feel like jumping on the bandwagon, even though I revere her. I joke in my stand up routine about a terrible situation in elementary schools throughout the land. It's a mom's worst nightmare, getting the letter that your child has been affected. For the love of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and Oprah, could someone please eradicate lice?!
Because my friend, soul sister, advisor, and love-nester, Barbara Stanny, said the message was meant for me, I hunkered down with a cupa tea and viewed. Ok, let me rephrase, I absorbed. I took notes. This hour is not just for me, it is for anyone who wants to learn more about purpose, being centered, and showing up in the world to shine.

So much of what she says resonates but especially the part about filling up your own cup, putting yourself first. People think it is selfish and just recently someone ribbed me for being a professional. Oprah said, "Only when you're full, I'm overflowing, my cup runneth
over." Tomorrow I am talking about that very issue on the TV talk show that has me on as a regular, "Let's Talk Live." I was feeling a little silly advising people to "treat" themselves during the 12 days of Christmas, the season of giving. Well, now I'm feeling overjoyed to encourage people to fill up in order to "runneth over." I'm actually so happy about it, I'm going to get my nails done. The color - Gilty Party (not a typo). Note to the tape: Sparkle yourself up to dazzle with joy.
My favorite lines are below. Enjoy!
Oprah @ Stanford
28:00. My life is fueled by my being... and the being fuels the doing. I come fm a center place. I come fm a focused place.
I am grounded in my own self so I can keep my feet on the
ground...& I could understand because I was grounded. I work at
staying awake.
When hiring people at OWN, ask
'What is yr spiritual practice? What do you do to take care of
yourself, keep yourself centered?'
32:20 Everybody wants to fulfill the highest truest expression of yourself as a human being.
Every person is all about:
Did u hear me?
Did u see me?
Did what I say mean anything to you?
That's what everything's about.
That's what every human being is looking for.
You're not hearing me. Argument is really about the feeling.
36:34. One of the reasons I live such a fantastic life is because I pay attention to my life. And
Your life is yr greatest teacher. Pay attention to your life. Every
single thing- joys, sadness, challenges, worries...everything is
happening to bring you closer to in here. Everything is trying to take
you home to yourself. 36:00 and when yr At home w yourself, when yr
solidly there, connected to whatever u call creation, an energy force
that has unlimited power, when u can connect to that, you are yr best.
I have a purpose. Bring little pieces of light. Raise level of
consciousness connect people to ideas and stories so they can see
themselves and live better lives.
Need both...emotion and logic. Doing should come out of yr being.
Listen to yr instincts. Kindergarten- I do not belong in here. I can spell Nicodemus. Education really opened the door.
the way a person thinks and sees themselves. Create a sense of
aspiration, a sense of hopefulness so a person can see, have a vision
for a better life.
I chose education that benefits the person I am serving.
all of us have limited time here. But the real question is who are you
and what do you want to do with it? And how are you going to use who
you are?
48:20 fav line from Seat of the Soul-
When the personality comes to serve the energy of yr soul, that is
authentic empowerment. Take skills & what feeds yr passion, take
that and align that w the deeper potential and possibility of yr souls
coming. 49:03 align your personality w yr purpose and nobody can touch
u. And u wake up every day and u are fired up. OMG it's so great.
49:20 everyone has a purpose. Real job is to figure out why yr really here and get about the business of doing it.
figure out where yr power base is and to work in the alignment of yr
personality/the gifts that u have to give w the real reason why yr here.
That's #1 thing you have to do. And to fill yr self up and keep yr cup
full. 57:19 keep yourself full. Now I used to be afraid of that.
Particularly when people would say 'she's so full of herself.' 57:30
And now i embrace it. I consider it a compliment that I am full of
myself because only when you're full, I'm overflowing, my cup runneth
over. I have so much to offer and so much to give and I am not afraid
of honoring myself. It's miraculous.
honor yourself and that which is greater than yourself the reason for
yr being here. There is no selflessness in that cause only thru that do
u have the ability to offer your whole self, yr full expression of who u
are to the rest of the world.
put yourself at the top of the list. Honor
yourself. Stop the crazy mind chatter in your head that tells you
you're not good enough because that's the #1 issue. U wanna know how u
measure up. 1:00:01 Well, to know that your just being here, however
that sperm BAM hit that egg, your being here is such a miraculous thing
and yr real job is to honor that. As soon as u figure that out, 1:00:50
I'm one of the lucky ones, I got to be here. So how do u continue to
prepare yourself to live out the highest fullest truest expression of you as a human being.
are no mistakes. You have a supreme destiny. When yr in ur little
mind, personality mind , where yr not centered, where u really don't
know who you are, that you come from something greater and bigger that
we really R all the same. When u don't know that, u get all flustered
and stressed all the time, wanting something to be what it isn't,
there's a supreme moment of destiny, calling on yr life. Yr job is to
feel that, hear that, to know that. And sometimes when yr not listening
you get taken off track. U get in the wrong marriage, wrong
relationship, u take the wrong job, but it's all leading to the same
path. There are no wrong paths. Failure is just that thing trying to
move in another direction.
Challenges- get still and ask "what is the next right move?" And then
from that space make the nx right move. And the next right move. And
not to be overwhelmed by it because u know ur life is bigger than that
one moment.