Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Thoughts are what make us. Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius said, “The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.”  Buddha quote:  We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think.  I tell my kids: "Your mind believes what it says."  
The way to feel fun and joyful is by learning how to harness, or as I say, get down with the thoughts in our head.  If you have thoughts of second-guessing, put downs, criticizing, over thinking, you probably have had a sleepless night or two. 

Some thoughts are benign. There is always a ticker tape running.  It is sorta like a roommate in your head.  “Wow, it’s chilly this morning.  I need a jacket.  Crazy temp for July.  Will traffic be bad?  Need to change my hair appointment.  Hope David is having fun at camp."

Or thoughts can be damaging. “Shoot, I can’t remember her name.  What is her name?  Darn, here she comes.  What is it?  Sally, Sue?  She just told me yesterday.  What is the matter with me?!  Damn it!  I am so dumb.”

Here are the 5 ways to give that negative voice the whoop POW.
1.  Counter the thought with the positivity ratio.  
2.  Use humor by giving your inner critic a persona. 
3.  Get rational with three questions. 
4.  Love and Samskara. 
5.  The Judger/Learner Paths.

Years ago I had an accident and broke both my legs.  I spent a few weeks as a sad sack.  My apartment was in a 5th floor walk-up building.  Now I was on track to be a wheelchair for 5 months.  I  was displaced from my home, my pet, my stuff.  I was on disability leave.  My boyfriend dumped me.  My family was 800 miles away.  Negative thoughts were rolling around my head, “You’re broken, you have no one in your life, you are going to wither away, you have no one in your life.  You have really messed it up now.  No one will want you.”  After a month of being in a haze, I thought, “WAIT THIS IS NOT WHO I AM. Make the best of the situation.  Enjoy the break from work.  Have friends visit you and take you out.”  I ordered delicious meals. I had the Physical Therapist wheel me to the park for our sessions.  I got a great tan minus the scars and cast because I sunned on the sidewalk in my bikini and wheelchair.  I become the unofficial mayor of West 81st St. and chatted up men, women, and children on their way to and fro.  My friends took me out and carried me through many an awkward door frame to get into a restaurant or bar.  I had more dates than at any other time of my life.  I ended up falling in love with the man I’ve been with for 17 years.

I made a choice to think about my situation differently.  I changed the voice inside my head.  Sometimes those voices tell you to be mad at someone without all the facts.  Sometimes the thoughts make you feel fearful about money.  Would you spend time with a friend who talked to you like that?  What credentials does that voice have?  So here are 5 techniques to whoop it up with your mind chatter.

1.   Counter the thought.  Try the positivity ratio, discovered by Barbara Frederickson.  It's 3:1.  Every time you have a negative thought, replace it with 3 positive ones.  Negative:  My arms are fat.  Positive:  My arms have skin that is smooth.  My arms bend and are strong enough to carry groceries. My arms allow me to hold my child.  Wear a rubber band on your wrist and pop it when you're negative.  Snap out of it.

2.   Laugh @ the negative voice – "You’re weak.  You can’t do it.  You are not good enough.  You don’t have a Masters degree.  You aren’t smart enough.My negative voice is an old hag named Gertrude who never follows her dreams.  She is a sad, scared old woman full of fear.  She drinks and smokes and, wants company in her misery.  When she starts harping on me, I tell her to shut up.  I recognize her and tell her to go away. 

3.   Get rational:  Ask three questions, by Emiliya Zhivotovskaya, who is the founder of the Flourishing Center and the program where I got my positive psychology certification.
1.  Not true because…
2.  Another way of looking at this is….
3.  Most likely outcome is…

For example, I was beating myself up for not having success on a project. The voice, "You're not able to do it.  You can't run your own company properly.  You don't have what it takes."  

That's not true because I have a lot of success in my life.

Another way of looking at this is that I just need to learn some techniques and strategies. 

The most likely outcome is that it will be a learning process and I will be able to do it with some practice.

4.   Open Your Heart
This tip is from The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer talks about Samskara, which is a Sanskrit word meaning “impression.”  Samskara is a blockage, a scar from an old wound, an impression from the past.  It is unfinished business and can end up running your life. 

Open your heart and live in love when these thoughts occur.   Allow the experiences of life to come in and pass through your being.  See page 57 for an example.

5.   The Learner & Judger Paths
Why am I such a failure?  Why did they do that?  Who’s fault is it? These thoughts put you in the Judger’s Pit.
What happened?  What do I want?  What am I responsible for?  What can I do now?  What are my choices?  What can I learn?  Now you're on the Learner Path. 

Change Your Questions, Change Your Life by Marlee Adams, PhD.

There ya have it, 5 ways to give that negative voice the whoop POW!  If you need help one on one with getting to underlying beliefs, how to do work on changing up your mind chatter in the moment, and following your dreams, I AM HERE TO COACH YOU.  Email me at or call the whoopie hotline, 917)714-0694.

Hugs to you!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Summer Lovin' - Ways to Turn Up The Heat in Your Love Life

Summer is in full swing and if you looking for ways to turn up the heat in your love life, you’re in the right place.  Whoopie Queen Cyndy Bragg just celebrated her 13th wedding anniversary and she’s here to give tips on how to keep things steamy, even if you're wilting in the heat.   

Start with the drink of the summer - the Moscow Mule.  I add jalapeno to the recipe,  which has aphrodisiac qualities to sizzle things up. 

Moscow Mules for Four:
300 ml Vodka
100 ml Lime Juice (Key West Lime Juice or 3 limes)
750 ml Ginger Beer
2 slices of jalapeno

Research shows that the key to keep FIRES BURNING in a relationship is to be PLAYFUL and ADVENTUROUS.  I call this keeping your own desires lit within.  There is more insight at the current issue of Psychology Today.  Most of the article suggests that shared responsibilities of house and home keeps the relationship simmering.   Men who vacuum, get more action.  It's what long time married gals call Porn for Women.


•  Visit the DC monuments at night.
•  Go dancing under the lights at Glen Echo's big band bashes every Saturday.
•  Redbook Magazine recommends listening to erotica on a road trip.  Kiss Your Ear.

2.     GET FRESH

Would you want to date yourself?   I have a friend who says, “The best way to be adored is to be adorable.”  Freshen up things with your partner – flirt, write notes on the mirror, text a sexy something-something, send flowers IN AN ICE CUBE.  Edible flowers are available at Whole Foods. 

·      Go to a museum and count the nudes, i.e. Baltimore Museum of Art, Or book a Find The Nudes Scavenger Hunt in several cities - 
·      Marathon House of Cards or Scandal and meet at POV, the bar at The W Hotel overlooking the White House.
·  Take iced coffee and bagels for breakfast at the National Zoo.  It opens at 6am, which is when the animals are frisky.  Woo hoo!
People are so busy these days with work & family that time for connecting gets lost.  The last thing ya want to do if you're exhausted at the end of the day is to get-it-on.  Why wait until the end of the day?

           DATE IDEAS: 
·      Book a “Bedroom Date," i.e., have a nooner.

·      Create Lover’s Lane in your driveway – makeout in your car.

·      Put a blanket down in your backyard, surrounded with Glow Jars, and watch the fireflies attract their mates.  

GLOW JARS HOW-TO:  Glow Jars are like having a beautiful, giant firefly bootie. 
1. Break a glow stick & shake it.  (Don't use glitter, it clumps up the goo.)
2. Cut off top & pour goo into Mason jar and screw on lid. 
3. Shake it but don't break it, took ya mama nine months to make it. Whoop POW!